Get the Best Electronic Components Through Us.

We strive to be the best supply sourcing partners for our clients.

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Learn the General Component Supply Difference

The best parts from the best manufacturers

Electronic Component Sourcing

We source only the best products


We perform product testing on your behalf

Customer Support

Our team is available at your disposal 24x7

Partner With The Right Company For Your Electronic Component Requirements

With General Component Supply, you can be assured of quality and timely delivery.

  • Quality Assurance
  • On-Time Delivery
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Serving Numerous Industries

We cater to the needs of various industries

Aviation Sector

We help you supply all kinds of aviation electronic components.

Marine Sector

Our sources have the capability to supply electronic components for the marine sector as well.

Agriculture Sector

We meet the demands of electronic components for the agriculture sector.

Need Parts That Are Difficult to Find?

Get in touch with us and we will find the right electronic component for you.

Why Choose General Component Supply?

We are one of the most respectable companies In this sector.

4.8 Stars

99.99% Success


Solution Focused

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Customer Oriented

  • More than 10 years’ experience
  • Reliability
  • Safety and Security
  • Immediate Supply
  • Transparency
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